To clarify and deepen my understanding of the Dog, I pondered the following comparisons with similar and/or opposing cards. Maybe my comparisons will inspire you to make your own!
Follower / Leader
Dog: The born follower. The
helper, the supporter. To obey and appease.
Bear: Charismatic, choleric leader; bossy person. To teach, command, and confront.
Tower: Cool, distant leader or authority. To control, to spearhead.
Dog: Dependence - in general, but especially the dependence on the approval and love of others.
Anchor: Dependence in the sense of being stuck with something or someone, of being tied to someone or something by practical necessities.
Ring: Dependence in the sense that we're bound by a promise, or because we can't that easily "undo the ties that bind us".
Fox: Independence from others' judgements (moral, aesthetic, political etc.) - to stick with what we have found to be true no matter what it costs.
Tower: The type of independence arising from a lack of close emotional relationships, or from working or living alone.
Snake: Independence in the sense that we are headstrong and go our own way, even when we have to go alone, and especially when others try to hinder us.
Dog: Represents a friend, loyalty, or supportive and helpful behaviour.
Bouquet: Represents our circle of friends, conviviality, the cultivation of friendships.