Please note that the examples below are meant to be just that: examples. They are not in any sense exhaustive. Furthermore,they are constructed of individual meanings I myself use. If you use different keywords than I do your own combined meanings will look quite different. Also, what I did not take into account in these examples is the order of the paired cards (which card is left and which right). Lastly, if you want to learn more about how to combine two cards' meanings >> here is an explanation of what works for me.

A rash promise or commitment; a rushed contract; to make a very sudden connection; to hook up with someone quickly. To act on a promise. Commitment to a certain activity. To be overly zealous; to pursue something with a lot of ardour. To push for commitment. A relationship is changed. News about a connection. A new connection. Predictable change. Association/union activities. The cause for change.

To not take commitment seriously. A connection or relationship is taken (too?) lightly. To pounce at the chance to make a binding agreement. To be unburdened because one has no commitments. Refusal to make a promise. To not take a promise seriously. A promise given carelessly. A link which is rather weak. Not very reliable. Loose coherence, loose ties, loose affiliation.

A promise to say farewell. A promise to make changes. Commitment to exploration, to adventure. Shared adventure. To go through changes together. To make connections internationally or on a journey. Commitment to something means that changes have to be made. A predictable departure; it's predictable that a person won't stay/commit. Conflict between a person who is committed and another person who isn't. To share wanderlust. Emotional attachment to someone who is absent. Someone we relied on has left.

Shared home. Family cohesion. Kinship. Family ties, family connections; family commitments. Promise to our family (members). To be comfortable with making commitments. To feel bound by tradition/rules. Extremely set habits. To agree to a plan; to stick with a plan. Attachment to home(country), family, traditions, habits. Familiar cause. Safe connections. To keep certain affiliations private. Long established connection. A familiar connection.

Physical connection; physical link. Commitment to physical activity / to a new health regime etc. Physical cause and effect. A promise to one's body (e.g. to care for its needs better). Associations which feel natural; commitment which seems natural. Strong, stable commitment. To thrive on connecting with others. A connection which is very much alive. A connection with our roots. A promise once it is given is not easily broken. Healthy, stable cohesion. To connect physically.

Unclear relationship; the connection is not clear; to not know the cause. To be unsure if there is a link at all, a connection - or to be unsure whether we should make one. Insecurity concerning a commitment or a promise. Secret association. Shared despair. A mutual misunderstanding. Inability to connect. Confusion about who our allies are.

To pursue a relationship, to seek connections. Connections which serve our purpose; tactical alliances. Commitment to a cause/goal. A shared goal. The intellectual ability to understand cause and effect, to understand how things interrelate, how they are connected, and to be able to use that knowledge to our own advantage. To follow the evidence, to join the dots. Shared ambition, (sexual) passion, desire. Strong cohesion. To aim for marriage. Matchmaker. Shared knowledge.

To release someone from a promise or contract. End/loss of commitment; to lose a connection; a link is broken. Loss of coherence, loss of cohesion. A relationship ends. Divorce. Shared grief; grief unites. To feel tied to death, grief, loss (= depression, suicidal thoughts). A promise to end something or let go of something. To ignore that there is a connection. The cause for an end.

Social connections, social ties, social commitment. To be bound together by friendship. A promise to visit someone more often. Shared taste, shared aesthetics. Connections/affiliations which make us look good. Cohesion through being nice to each other. To exaggerate commonalities. Glorified relationship.

To break a promise, breach a contract, discontinue a commitment, sever ties. Divorce, break-up. To stipulate a severance contractually. An agreement to end something. to reap as benefit of one's efforts a committed relationship/a formal contract. Commitment to tidying up. To take stock of a relationship: which bits are good/bad, productive/unproductive, worthy of continuing and which not? Sharing the work makes it more efficient.

United in hatred. Broken connection; relationship so broken that it can't (or shouldn't) be saved. Commitment or promise to restore justice. The issue which is being argued about. The catalyst of a conflict. A coherent argument. To regret a connection we have made. Group cohesion which is based on punishment, violence, or fear of retribution. To have abuse in common with someone. Predictable argument or conflict.

Fickle commitment; nervousness about commitment. Worries about a relationship. An unstable connection. Unstable group cohesion. Loose coherence. To make connections quickly. To promise things too quickly. Shared worries; to have something stressful in common. Chaotic connection(s) - seeming incoherence? To find the coherence in the chaos. The cause of chaos/stress.

Relationship with a child/inexperienced person. A developing connection; a new connection. A weak link; a connection which is easily broken. Promise to a child; a child promises something. To promise to stick with someone who is weak and needs support. To think little of commitment. To make a promise naively, without being aware of the consequences. Someone a child can depend on. To impart reliability to a child. To stereotype a child. To classify something as young, inexperienced, delicate etc.

Connections which serve ourselves. Great caution concerning promises / commitment might be appropriate! A relationship which is an integral part of one's identity. Connections that are helpful/useful/beneficial for oneself - or, someone keeps up a connection with us only because it benefits them. Mutual distrust. To suspect a connection. A necessary connection; a relationship founded on necessity. Predictable selfishness. The same thing serves two (or more) different parties individually.

Commitment to parenting, teaching, or leading. Relationship with parent, teacher, boss. Dependable or predictable parent, teacher, boss. A very strong relationship. A powerful link or liaison. Connection that gives power/influence. To hold on with teeth and claws; to protect a relationship/connection. To insist on a formal/legal commitment - e.g. marriage, a contract. To take someone by their word; to insist someone holds true to their promise. To bully someone into promising something. Strong coherence or cohesion. Something has a very strong effect.

A promise to fulfil dreams, to never give up hope. A spiritual connection. To commit to something too trustingly, out of blind faith. That which causes a need for daydreaming, of wishful thinking. To hope that in the future there will be commitment. A future link. A link to the future. Predictable future events. That which connects everything to everything else. Commitment to one's ideals. To idealise commitment or a specific relationship. Shared hopes, or ideals. Shared vision.

Someone promises that they will change. A commitment to changing from within. To be bound together by a transition we go through together with the other person. To stay together "in good times and in bad". A relationship changes, transforms. Predictable or dependable return or recurrence. vicious cycle. To reconnect. Shared longing. To transform each other. Inevitable connection. Inevitable effect. Predictable transformation. The act of connecting / merging causes a profound transformation, and/or necessitates reorientation. Redefinition of a relationship.

Strong friendship. Loyalty is what binds two people together. Wanting to please someone connects us to this person very strongly - do we really want this? Promise to a friend; promise from a friend. An unequal connection (e.g. one is more dependent than the other). Mutual support. Solidarity. Dependable friend; dependable help. Circle of friends. Fellowship, following. Mutual admiration; a mutual friend.

No link, no connection, no relationship. Isolated incident. Relationship which is emotionless, cool. A relationship for rational reasons. A logical link. To not make a promise; to not commitment, "no I will not marry you". Association of experts. Clubs for the highly gifted. To promise something out of pride. To commit proudly. Shared pride. United in arrogance. Group pride. A connection with an authority / with the government. Old boys' club.

Public relations, social networks, social connections. To make a promise in public, or to everybody or at least many people. Public commitment ceremony, e.g. marriage proposal or wedding. A connection which is common knowledge. Something which connects everybody, something which binds the individual members of a community together. Common purpose, collective goal. Social cohesion. Group/community with very strong team spirit. Predictable reaction to an announcement.

A difficult/problematic connection. A challenging liaison. A commitment to something keeps you back. To persist because you're committed. Enduring commitment. A lasting connection. An obstacle to making a connection. Interrupted connection; refusal to connect or commit. It's hard to connect. Connection that isn't felt. Silence helps to bond or, to bond through silence. The cause for a problem; the effect of a problem. Inability to severe a tie. To stubbornly commit to something against all odds. Unbudging commitment. Predictable difficulties.

Deliberations about a relationship; to ponder on a connection. Commitment to a choice, to a path. The promise to make a decision. Alternative connections; multiple links; multiple causes (and/or effects!). To make different - possibly contradictory - promises. Different links lead in different directions. To delay making (good on) a promise; to delay commitment.

A promise which was never intended to be kept. A foul or dishonest (maybe criminal?) connection; an unhealthy or harmful relationship or connection. Dwindling commitment; lack of commitment. Fake commitment. Clinging dirt; rumours which stick with us; slander which we can't get rid of. Rumours about a connection. A connection which is becoming weaker. Something pollutes a relationship. Deteriorating cohesion. Unhealthy group cohesion. To have an illness in common; shared dirt (figuratively speaking). Partners in crime.

Loving relationship; romantic relationship. Shared love. United in love. Group cohesion based on love, understanding, compassion, care for each other etc. To promise someone your heart. Someone promises you their heart. Commitment to a loving relationship. Love-marriage. To be very committed to becoming a more loving person. To be bound together by love. A promise of loving support.

Commitment to keeping a promise. A promise to keep together. To close ranks. Very strong commitment. A very important link/connection. A relationship is the cause or the effect of something. Causal connection. It's all linked. A very cohesive alliance or union.

Knowledge about cause and effect, or about where and how things link, connect. Facts about a relationship; the truth about commitment. Facts about a contract. To be committed to truth, to science, to learning about something. To commit to education. Academic connections. Sorority, fraternity, peerage. Dependably true; dependable education. Shared knowledge. Shared education.

Contract. To promise someone something, formal commitment ritual (e.g. wedding ceremony). Communication about a relationship, conversation about a connection. It's time to talk about commitment! To express commitment. Communication is the basis for a relationship. To talk and talk and talk about something but never actually do anything. Shared information. To talk about commonalities. People who communicate form a cohesive group (e.g. but not necessarily a formal alliance). To actively reach out in order to make connections.

Ring-Man (a)
Man who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Man the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Man we have something in common with. Male bonding. Promise from a man, or to a man. Man who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable.

Ring-Woman (a)
Woman who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Woman the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Woman we have something in common with. Female bonding. Promise from a woman, or to a woman. Woman who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable.

Ring-Man (b)
Man who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Man the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Man we have something in common with. Male bonding. Promise from a man, or to a man. Man who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable.

Ring-Woman (b)
Woman who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Woman the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Woman we have something in common with. Female bonding. Promise from a woman, or to a woman. Woman who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable.

Sexual connection or relationship; commitment to a lover; commitment to one's artistic talents. A sensual connection; to feel connected to the sensual world. Important connections to the art world. A promise regarding one's sex life or one's handling of sensual pleasures (e.g. commitment to a healthier diet), or promise to stick with a process even though things are moving only slowly. Reliability of the senses. Predictable reactions to certain sensual input. Coherence which creates harmony. Mutual delight; shared passion. Strong sensual / sexual attraction.

To stick with what one has promised; honourableness; high degree of reliability. A morally good (pure) link, connection, or relationship. To commit to virtue, abstinence, or peace etc. To commit to something because it's the right thing to do. Virtues relevant when making connections or signing contracts, e.g. good intentions, fairness. Contentment with(in) a relationship. Shared moral values. A group whose members are bound together by a morally relevant purpose (e.g. helping others), or by their moralising. Someone who is very uptight.

Shared joy. A joyful connection. A superficial relationship; a link which is there but not very profound. To be committed to the search for happiness. To commit happily and easily. To promise happiness. An obvious connection. To prove a connection. Confidence in a relationship. Popular connection. Attachment to what makes one happy; to become attached to someone charismatic.

Important relationship; significant connection. Shared sadness; shared fear. A very profound, emotionally important relationship. A connection with the unconscious. To react with deep fear when faced with having to commit. A commitment to resting more. To make a connection intuitively. Emotional coherence. The cause for an emotion. Emotional ties - inability to let go of a relationship because the feelings involved are very strong. Predictable emotions. Reliable sleep. Relationship or connection with a dark component (= it brings sadness, fear, makes us more needy etc.). To rest together.

To say yes to someone - e.g. to get engaged or to marry. To make new connections, to build bridges. To commit to something full-heartedly. To enter into a relationship, an association, a contract. To welcome a new member into a network of connected people. Commitment to understanding. That which causes us to open up. That which makes a connection possible; that which is the "glue" of a relationship. To be released from a bond, or a promise.

Business connection. Financially relevant contract (mortgage agreement; to give or secure credit) - or a non-financial give/take agreements. A relationship that is dominated by materialistic considerations. More connections; too many connections. Connections we profit from. To seek to profit from a relationship. To value commitment, or reliability. Predictable profit. Shared business interest. Shared values. To profit from strong cohesion.

Everything revolves around a promise, around commitment, around a relationship. To be totally bound, even tied down, by something or someone. A very, very stable and committed relationship. Long-term commitment. A safe connection, a steady link. Very strong attachment. To hold on extremely tightly. Mutual routines. A focus we share with someone. (Someone who is) the stabilising factor of a relationship, or a unit of people.

To feel very committed to doing our duty. Strong ideological connection. A relationship that feels like burden or causes suffering. Inescapable ties. To be connected to someone through suffering. A fateful connection. Cause and effect can't be escaped. To stick with keeping a promise even when it's hard. Mutual struggles. Shared ideological or religious beliefs. A connection which is painful to accept.

Ring - Wild Card
A connection not yet made. Question mark regarding commitment, or regarding (the keeping of) a promise. A link or relationship is the unknown factor that influences the issue we've asked about. Questionable reliability. To commit to a genderqueer person. To share a quality that is hard to define; to share an oddity. A (possibly genderqueer) person with the attributes of the Ring (see the Ring's keywords).

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