
Nouns / phrases: Meaning, higher purpose. Awe, transcendence, the sublime, spirituality. Meaningful connections. The cosmos. Pseudo-scientific woo, escapism. Wish-fulfilment, (unfulfilled) wishes, hope, trust, faith. Ideals, vision. Idealisation, daydreams. Aspiration; "Reach for the stars!". (Most likely positive) future events which (we think) are already foreshadowed. Imagination, wishful thinking, illusion. For some readers also: fame, encouragement, recognition, moving forward, optimism, innovation, inspiration, intuition, nighttime, multitude, internet.  
To find meaning / give meaning. To stand in awe, transcend, feel deeply connected. To wish, hope, trust, have faith. To idealise, envision, daydream. To aspire, reach for the stars. To imagine, fantasise, cherish an illusion.
Meaningful, transcendent, all-encompassing, sublime, spiritual, cosmic. Pseudo-scientific; escapist, dreamy. Wishful, hopeful, trusting, faithful. Idealistic, visionary, future. Aspiring. Imaginative, imaginary, fantastic, illusionary.

As a person:
Person with the above qualities. E.g. person who is spiritual, hopeful, imaginative. Someone who cherishes an illusion. Visionary or daydreamer.

As advice:
Keep up hope! Reach for the stars! Negatively: Get real! Stop daydreaming!

Time factor *) : In the future.

See also the annakblogs article >> So, is the Stars a positive or negative card?

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